How To Make The Perfect French Press

Process Overview

The press pot, or French Press, offers direct infusion for full-bodied coffee. It's an ideal companion for dark roasts, bringing out rich, complex flavors.


  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Makes: 3-8 cups
  • Skill Level: Easy

What You'll Need

Getting Started

With a French Press
  1. 1. Heat

    Heat fresh water to 200° F.

  2. 2. Measure & Prepare

    Weigh out 55 grams of freshly roasted coffee beans. Preheat the French Press with hot water and let it sit.

    Peet's tip: No scale? Measure out 5 1/2 standard coffee scoops—or 11 tablespoons—of beans. Preheating helps the temperature stay more consistent throughout the brewing process.

  3. 3. Grind

    Grind coffee to the consistency of coarse sea salt.

    Peet's tip: A consistent grind enables even extraction. If the plunger is difficult to push down at the end of the brew, try a slightly coarser grind next time.

  4. 4. Bloom

    Discard hot water and place the French Press on your scale. Add coffee grounds and then zero out or “tare" your scale. Set your timer for four minutes and pour in just enough water to saturate the grounds. (110 grams, or twice the weight of the coffee). Give the French Press a quick swirl, and then wait 30 seconds.

    Peet's tip: When hot water meets coffee grounds, CO2 escapes and expands, creating a "bloom." Once the offgassing is complete, the grounds are more receptive to absorbing water, resulting in a better extraction of flavors.

  5. 5. Pour

    Resume pouring hot water over the grounds until the scale reaches 880 grams (or the water reaches the middle of the metal band, about 1 inch below the rim).

    Peet's tip: The secret to perfect coffee is the right ratio of coffee to water—1:16, or 1g of coffee for every 16g of water.

  6. 6. Press

    Place the plunger on top of grounds, then slowly push it halfway down and pull back up to just below the surface.

    Peet's tip: Plunging halfway keeps the grounds fully saturated, enabling even extraction. It also helps prevent a surface crust of dry grounds from forming, making the final plunge easier.

  7. 7. Enjoy

    Once four minutes have passed, press the plunger to the bottom. your coffee is ready to be poured and savored.